
Women empowerment refers to the power bestowed on women in order for them to have equal socio-economic, political, and human rights. The concept alludes to women's freedom from dependency constraints in all these arenas. Women account for almost half of the country's population, and the majority of them are financially dependent on someone else, usually their fathers or husbands. In the time of feminism, only a tiny percentage of women in India have gained the freedom to use their independent will and build their own life. However, there is a significant divide among women in this country who seek positive encouragement. Women are still denied basic education in most villages and semi-urban towns, and they are never allowed to continue their education after obtaining the required knowledge, or getting married or confined to domestic work.

Women are recognised for seamlessly performing several duties each day, and they are consequently regarded as the backbone of each and every civilization. Women serve a variety of responsibilities in male-dominated society, including being caretakers, managing household work and also managing a career. Nonetheless, they have long been seen as a marginalized section of society in various regions of the world. As a result, women have had to bear the weight of inequity, financial insecurity, oppression, and other societal ills. For ages, women have been shackled, preventing them from achieving professional and personal success.